The fallen realms sourcebook pdf
The fallen realms sourcebook pdf

The most popular connected waterways and shorelines include: The Dragon Reach to the north, and the nearby lands of the Dalelands and the Vast the Dragonmere to the west and the countries of Cormyr, and Sembia the Vilhon Reach to the south and Thay to the east. With that said, the Sea was more an obstacle than an actual locale for much of the Realms' histories, so players mainly knew of lands near it. It would be referenced much more often after the publication of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (1987), as it's a major geographic feature of the Realm. The Sea of Fallen Stars was first mentioned off-handedly in Dragon #104 (December 1985) as something that was new to men long ago. Wyrmskull Throne (1999), an adventure for Sea of Fallen Stars that appeared just a month later, could be seen as the final entrant in the extended Threat from the Sea event.Ī History of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Sea of Fallen Stars is a bit more far-flung: it references the Threat from the Sea and very briefly details its events, but there are no tighter ties. These novels were supplemented by an anthology, Realms of the Deep (2000). The Threat was largely confined to a trilogy of novels, Mel Odom's Rising Tide (1999), Under Fallen Stars (1999), and The Sea Devil's Eye (2000), which focused on nautical attacks on the surface world. Sea of Fallen Stars also had one other influence: the Threat from the Sea, Wizards' newest Realms-shaking event. Now, the Realms was getting its own opportunity to dive right in. DMGR9: Of Ships and the Sea (1997) debuted a core set of rules that had already been put to use and expanded by the sahuagin books: The Sea Devils (1997), "Evil Tide" (1997), "Night of the Shark" (1997), and "Sea of Blood" (1997). The latter 2e days were quite rich for those interested in nautical adventures. Steve Schend describes it as " one design contribution for the Realms that was 85% new design, not just reweaving older content and making it consistent." Sea of Fallen Stars was something different: it wasn't just a revamp of older material. The latter days of the 2e Forgotten Realms line offered many dense setting books that collected and refined classic Realmslore. From page 81 onward, bubbles, spears, necklaces, and hair just barely cover sections of nude merfolk that probably wouldn't meet those standards. But, Wizards still had standards of content, as is very obvious from the interior full-color pieces in Sea of Fallen Stars (1999). The transition from TSR to Wizards of the Coast brought with it a change in mores and morals. It was published in August 1999.Ībout the Interior Art. Schend, is a sourcebook for the Forgotten Realms. Either way, get ready to explore Netherese ruins, sunken ships, and abyssal trenches in the Sea of Fallen Stars!

the fallen realms sourcebook pdf

Bring your game beneath the waves with rules and magic that make it easy and fun to do, or create sea elf, merman, triton, locathah, or shalarin PCs using the character-creation rules herein. Contained in these pages is everything you need to adventure in this exciting world. It provides a focus for the use of the rules supplements Of Ships and the Sea and Sea Devils, but neither of these products is needed to use this book. Sea of fallen Stars is the first fully developed underwater setting for AD&D campaign play. Myth Nantar, City of Destinies: Wrapped in a magical mythal, the elven city of Myth Nantar is the perfect place to make the transition to the world under the waves or to begin a complete aquatic campaign.Join the mysterious Dukars, magical defenders of the depths. Meet the enigmatic shalarin, a magical sea people from unknown oceans.

the fallen realms sourcebook pdf

  • Beneath the Seas: Discover the worlds within the Inner Sea! Visit Seros, an ancient land.
  • the fallen realms sourcebook pdf

    Atop the Waves: Examine life on the Inner Sea from the major ports and common superstitions to the goings-on in the Pirate Isles.Once you enter the Sea of Fallen Stars, you may never want to go home again. Come, take another look and discover new worlds above and beneath the sea. For years beyond measure, folk of Faer?n have sailed and swum the Inner Sea from the Lake of Dragons to the Alamber Sea, but few believed there was more here than a vast expanse of blue water filled with fish, a few sea monsters, and ever-present pirates.

    The fallen realms sourcebook pdf